I am often asked about my training and how someone can become a Naturopathic Doctor.
Licensed ND’s are graduates of four year, full time, accredited Naturopathic medical schools with admissions requirements comparable to those of other medical schools.
The Doctor of Naturopathic (ND or NMD) or Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) degrees are awarded after extensive classroom, clincal and practical study. Medical science coursework includes cardiology, neurology. radiology, obstetrics, gynecology, immunology, dermatology and pediatrics.
The accrediting agency for Naturopathic medicals colleges and programs is North America is the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) which is recognized by the US Department of Education. Visit www.cnme.org for a full list of accredited Naturopathic schools.
Currently twenty states and territories license NDs to practice. Not only must licensed NDs graduate from a CNME-accredited Naturopathic medical school, but they must then pass an extensive national postdoctoral exam in order to receive a license. They must also fulfill mandated continuing education requirements annually and have specific scopes of practice defined by their jurisdiction’s laws.